Dream Team (South Africa)

The Dream Team are a university rugby team that hail from Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape. This gorgeous town is famous for it’s University known as Rhodes. Rhodes Rugby runs an internal rugby league which the Dream Team have recently won! They won the event wearing these traditional cotton rugby jerseys manufactured by Stud Rugby.
Stud Rugby offer’s the entire range of rugby jerseys from fully custom sublimated shirts to traditional cotton ones. The traditional cotton rugby jerseys are composed of a poly cotton blend and are for teams that prefer the old school look. Ever thought of grabbing a bunch of mates and designing your own vintage style rugby shirt? All you need is a minimum order quantity of 20 custom shirts. Send an email to info@studrugby.com and one of our sales reps will help you out with your traditional creation. Bear in mind that with our poly cotton knitted rugby jerseys you are limited with design and colour. We have a standard range of polycotton available but we can’t match exact pantone colours like we can with the sublimation process. Our knitting machines are also limited to knit horizontal or vertical lines no fancy curves or panels can be created – but then again that wouldn’t be old school would it?